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-9063 The user function name, defined by the user in the DEFINE statement

of ACE, could not be found in the C function definition table userfuncs in the user's C static data area.

The DEFINE section of the report contains a FUNCTION statement indicating that an external function name would be linked with the report. (The ESQL/C manual covers the use of external C functions with ACE reports and PERFORM screens.) However, the name and address of each such function must appear in a static array that is named userfuncs. That array, along with the computer code of the external functions, is linked with a custom version of ACEGO. Because name did not appear in the array, ACEGO cannot call it.

Check that you are executing the correct, customized version of ACEGO (the original version of the program has no external functions linked to it). Check to see if name is correctly spelled. Then examine the source of the C functions to make sure that the userfuncs array is defined correctly and that it contains an entry for name.