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Creating a Comparison Condition

The WHERE clause of a SELECT statement specifies the rows that you want to see. A comparison condition employs specific keywords and operators to define the search criteria.

For example, you might use one of the keywords BETWEEN, IN, LIKE, or MATCHES to test for equality, or the keywords IS NULL to test for null values. You can combine the keyword NOT with any of these keywords to specify the opposite condition.

The following table lists the relational operators that you can use in a WHERE clause in place of a keyword to test for equality.

!= or <>
does not equal
greater than
greater than or equal to
less than
less than or equal to

For CHAR expressions, greater than means after in ASCII collating order, where lowercase letters are after uppercase letters, and both are after numerals. See the ASCII Character Set chart in the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax. For DATE and DATETIME expressions, greater than means later in time, and for INTERVAL expressions, it means of longer duration.

You cannot use TEXT or BYTE columns to create a comparison condition, except when you use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL keywords to test for NULL values.

Dynamic Server

You cannot specify BLOB or CLOB columns to create a comparison condition on Dynamic Server, except when you use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL keywords to test for NULL values.

End of Dynamic Server

You can use the preceding keywords and operators in a WHERE clause to create comparison-condition queries that perform the following actions:

To perform variable text searches using the following criteria, use the preceding keywords and operators in a WHERE clause to create comparison-condition queries:

The following section contains examples that illustrate these types of queries.

Including Rows

Use the equal sign (=) relational operator to include rows in a WHERE clause, as Figure 46 shows.

Figure 46. Query
SELECT customer_num, call_code, call_dtime, res_dtime
   FROM cust_calls
   WHERE user_id = 'maryj' 

Figure 46 returns the set of rows that Figure 47 shows.

Figure 47. Query Result
customer_num  call_code  call_dtime       res_dtime     

         106  D          1998-06-12  08:20 1998-06-12 08:25
         121  O          1998-07-10 14:05 1998-07-10 14:06
         127  I          1998-07-31 14:30

Excluding Rows

Use the relational operators != or <> to exclude rows in a WHERE clause.

Figure 48 assumes that you are selecting from an ANSI-compliant database; the statements specify the owner or login name of the creator of the customer table. This qualifier is not required when the creator of the table is the current user, or when the database is not ANSI compliant. However, you can include the qualifier in either case. For a detailed discussion of owner naming, see the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax.

Figure 48. Query
SELECT customer_num, company, city, state
   FROM odin.customer
   WHERE state != 'CA'

SELECT customer_num, company, city, state
   FROM odin.customer
   WHERE state <> 'CA'

Both statements in Figure 48 exclude values by specifying that, in the customer table that the user odin owns, the value in the state column should not be equal to CA, as Figure 49 shows.

Figure 49. Query Result
customer_num  company              city            state 

        119  The Triathletes Club Cherry Hill     NJ
        120  Century Pro Shop     Phoenix         AZ
        121  City Sports          Wilmington      DE
        122  The Sporting Life    Princeton       NJ
        123  Bay Sports           Jacksonville    FL
        124  Putnum's Putters     Bartlesville    OK
        125  Total Fitness Sports Brighton        MA
        126  Neelie's Discount Sp Denver          CO
        127  Big Blue Bike Shop   Blue Island     NY
        128  Phoenix College      Phoenix         AZ

Specifying A Range of Rows

Figure 50 shows two ways to specify a range of rows in a WHERE clause.

Figure 50. Query
SELECT catalog_num, stock_num, manu_code, cat_advert
   FROM catalog
   WHERE catalog_num BETWEEN 10005 AND 10008

SELECT catalog_num, stock_num, manu_code, cat_advert
   FROM catalog
   WHERE catalog_num >= 10005 AND catalog_num <= 10008

Each statement in Figure 50 specifies a range for catalog_num from 10005 through 10008, inclusive. The first statement uses keywords, and the second statement uses relational operators to retrieve the rows, as Figure 51 shows.

Figure 51. Query Result
catalog_num  10005
stock_num    3
manu_code    HSK
cat_advert   High-Technology Design Expands the Sweet Spot

catalog_num  10006
stock_num    3
manu_code    SHM
cat_advert   Durable Aluminum for High School and Collegiate Athletes

catalog_num  10007
stock_num    4
manu_code    HSK
cat_advert   Quality Pigskin with Joe Namath Signature

catalog_num  10008
stock_num    4
manu_code    HRO
cat_advert   Highest Quality Football for High School
              and Collegiate Competitions

Although the catalog table includes a column with the BYTE data type, that column is not included in this SELECT statement because the output would show only the words <BYTE value> by the column name. You can write an SQL API application to display TEXT and BYTE values.

Excluding a Range of Rows

Figure 52 uses the keywords NOT BETWEEN to exclude rows that have the character range 94000 through 94999 in the zipcode column, as Figure 53 shows.

Figure 52. Query
SELECT fname, lname, city, state
   FROM customer
   WHERE zipcode NOT BETWEEN '94000' AND '94999'
   ORDER BY state
Figure 53. Query Result
fname           lname           city            state

Frank           Lessor          Phoenix         AZ
Fred            Jewell          Phoenix         AZ
Eileen          Neelie          Denver          CO
Jason           Wallack         Wilmington      DE
Marvin          Hanlon          Jacksonville    FL
James           Henry           Brighton        MA
Bob             Shorter         Cherry Hill     NJ
Cathy           O'Brian         Princeton       NJ
Kim             Satifer         Blue Island     NY
Chris           Putnum          Bartlesville    OK

Using a WHERE Clause to Find a Subset of Values

Like Excluding Rows, Figure 54 assumes the use of an ANSI-compliant database. The owner qualifier is in quotation marks to preserve the case sensitivity of the literal string.

Figure 54. Query
SELECT lname, city, state, phone
   FROM 'Aleta'.customer
   WHERE state = 'AZ' OR state = 'NJ'
   ORDER BY lname

SELECT lname, city, state, phone
   FROM 'Aleta'.customer
   WHERE state IN ('AZ', 'NJ')
   ORDER BY lname

Each statement in Figure 54 retrieves rows that include the subset of AZ or NJ in the state column of the Aleta.customer table, as Figure 55 shows.

Figure 55. Query Result
lname      city            state phone

Jewell     Phoenix         AZ    602-265-8754
Lessor     Phoenix         AZ    602-533-1817
O'Brian    Princeton       NJ    609-342-0054
Shorter    Cherry Hill     NJ    609-663-6079

You cannot test TEXT or BYTE columns with the IN keyword.

Dynamic Server

Also, when you use Dynamic Server, you cannot test BLOB or CLOB columns with the IN keyword.

End of Dynamic Server

In Figure 56, an example of a query on an ANSI-compliant database, no quotation marks exist around the table owner name. Whereas the two statements in Figure 54 searched the Aleta.customer table, Figure 56 searches the table ALETA.customer, which is a different table, because of the way ANSI-compliant databases look at owner names.

Figure 56. Query
SELECT lname, city, state, phone
   FROM Aleta.customer
   WHERE state NOT IN ('AZ', 'NJ')
   ORDER BY state 

Figure 56 adds the keywords NOT IN, so the subset changes to exclude the subsets AZ and NJ in the state column. Figure 57 shows the results in order of the state column.

Figure 57. Query Result
lname        city            state phone

Pauli        Sunnyvale       CA    408-789-8075
Sadler       San Francisco   CA    415-822-1289
Currie       Palo Alto       CA    415-328-4543
Higgins      Redwood City    CA    415-368-1100
Vector       Los Altos       CA    415-776-3249
Watson       Mountain View   CA    415-389-8789
Ream         Palo Alto       CA    415-356-9876
Quinn        Redwood City    CA    415-544-8729
Miller       Sunnyvale       CA    408-723-8789
Jaeger       Redwood City    CA    415-743-3611
Keyes        Sunnyvale       CA    408-277-7245
Lawson       Los Altos       CA    415-887-7235
Beatty       Menlo Park      CA    415-356-9982
Albertson    Redwood City    CA    415-886-6677
Grant        Menlo Park      CA    415-356-1123
Parmelee     Mountain View   CA    415-534-8822
Sipes        Redwood City    CA    415-245-4578
Baxter       Oakland         CA    415-655-0011
Neelie       Denver          CO    303-936-7731
Wallack      Wilmington      DE    302-366-7511
Hanlon       Jacksonville    FL    904-823-4239
Henry        Brighton        MA    617-232-4159
Satifer      Blue Island     NY    312-944-5691
Putnum       Bartlesville    OK    918-355-2074

Identifying NULL Values

Use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL option to check for NULL values. A NULL value represents either the absence of data or an unknown value. A NULL value is not the same as a zero or a blank.

Figure 58 returns all rows that have a null paid_date, as Figure 59 shows.

Figure 58. Query
SELECT order_num, customer_num, po_num, ship_date
   FROM orders
   WHERE paid_date IS NULL
   ORDER BY customer_num
Figure 59. Query Result
order_num  customer_num  po_num   ship_date  

     1004           106  8006     05/30/1998
     1006           112  Q13557           
     1007           117  278693   06/05/1998
     1012           117  278701   06/29/1998
     1016           119  PC6782   07/12/1998
     1017           120  DM354331 07/13/1998

Forming Compound Conditions

To connect two or more comparison conditions, or Boolean expressions, use the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT. A Boolean expression evaluates as true or false or, if NULL values are involved, as unknown.

In Figure 60, the operator AND combines two comparison expressions in the WHERE clause.

Figure 60. Query
SELECT order_num, customer_num, po_num, ship_date
   FROM orders
   WHERE paid_date IS NULL
      AND ship_date IS NOT NULL
   ORDER BY customer_num

The query returns all rows that have NULL paid_date or a NOT NULL ship_date, as Figure 61 shows.

Figure 61. Query Result
order_num customer_num po_num     ship_date  

     1004          106 8006       05/30/1998
     1007          117 278693     06/05/1998
     1012          117 278701     06/29/1998
     1017          120 DM354331   07/13/1998

Using Exact-Text Comparisons

The following examples include a WHERE clause that searches for exact-text comparisons by using the keyword LIKE or MATCHES or the equal sign (=) relational operator. Unlike earlier examples, these examples illustrate how to query a table that is not in the current database. You can access a table that is not in the current database only if the database that contains the table has the same ANSI compliance status as the current database. If the current database is an ANSI-compliant database, the table you want to access must also reside in an ANSI-compliant database. If the current database is not an ANSI-compliant database, the table you want to access must also reside in a database that is not an ANSI-compliant database.

Although the database used previously in this chapter is the demonstration database, the FROM clause in the following examples specifies the manatee table, created by the owner bubba, which resides in an ANSI-compliant database named syzygy. For more information on how to access tables that are not in the current database, see the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax.

Each statement in Figure 62 retrieves all the rows that have the single word helmet in the description column, as Figure 63 shows.

Figure 62. Query
SELECT stock_no, mfg_code, description, unit_price
   FROM syzygy:bubba.manatee
   WHERE description = 'helmet'
   ORDER BY mfg_code

SELECT stock_no, mfg_code, description, unit_price
   FROM syzygy:bubba.manatee
   WHERE description LIKE 'helmet'
   ORDER BY mfg_code

SELECT stock_no, mfg_code, description, unit_price
   FROM syzygy:bubba.manatee
   WHERE description MATCHES 'helmet'
   ORDER BY mfg_code 

The results might look like Figure 63.

Figure 63. Query Result
stock_no mfg_code  description     unit_price

    991 ABC       helmet             $222.00
    991 BKE       helmet             $269.00
    991 HSK       helmet             $311.00
    991 PRC       helmet             $234.00
    991 SPR       helmet             $245.00

Using Variable-Text Searches

You can use the keywords LIKE and MATCHES for variable-text queries that are based on substring searches of fields. Include the keyword NOT to indicate the opposite condition. The keyword LIKE is the ANSI standard, whereas MATCHES is an Informix extension.

Variable-text search strings can include the wildcards listed with LIKE or MATCHES in the following table.

Keyword Symbol Meaning
LIKE % Evaluates to zero or more characters
LIKE _ Evaluates to a single character
LIKE \ Escapes special significance of next character
MATCHES * Evaluates to zero or more characters
MATCHES ? Evaluates to a single character (except null)
MATCHES [ ] Evaluates to a single character or range of values
MATCHES \ Escapes special significance of next character

You cannot test TEXT or BYTE columns with the LIKE or MATCHES keywords.

Also, when you use Dynamic Server, you cannot test BLOB or CLOB columns with the LIKE or MATCHES keywords.

Using a Single-Character Wildcard

The statements in Figure 64 illustrate the use of a single-character wildcard in a WHERE clause. Further, they demonstrate a query on a table that is not in the current database. The stock table is in the database sloth. Besides being outside the current demonstration database, sloth is on a separate database server called meerkat.

For more information, see Accessing and Modifying Data in an External Database and the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax.

Figure 64. Query
SELECT stock_num, manu_code, description, unit_price 
   FROM sloth@meerkat:stock
   WHERE manu_code LIKE '_R_'
       AND unit_price >= 100
   ORDER BY description, unit_price

SELECT stock_num, manu_code, description, unit_price
   FROM sloth@meerkat:stock
   WHERE manu_code MATCHES '?R?'
      AND unit_price >= 100
   ORDER BY description, unit_price

Each statement in Figure 64 retrieves only those rows for which the middle letter of the manu_code is R, as Figure 65 shows. The comparison '_R_' (for LIKE) or '?R?' (for MATCHES) specifies, from left to right, the following items:

Figure 65. Query Result
stock_num manu_code description     unit_price

      205 HRO       3 golf balls       $312.00
        2 HRO       baseball           $126.00
        1 HRO       baseball gloves    $250.00
        7 HRO       basketball         $600.00
      102 PRC       bicycle brakes     $480.00
      114 PRC       bicycle gloves     $120.00
        4 HRO       football           $480.00
      110 PRC       helmet             $236.00
      110 HRO       helmet             $260.00
      307 PRC       infant jogger      $250.00
      306 PRC       tandem adapter     $160.00
      308 PRC       twin jogger        $280.00
      304 HRO       watch              $280.00
WHERE Clause Specifying a Range of Initial Characters

Figure 66 selects only those rows where the manu_code begins with A through H and returns the rows that Figure 67 shows. The test '[A-H]' specifies any single letter from A through H, inclusive. No equivalent wildcard symbol exists for the LIKE keyword.

Figure 66. Query
SELECT stock_num, manu_code, description, unit_price
   FROM stock
   WHERE manu_code MATCHES '[A-H]*'
   ORDER BY description, manu_code

Figure 67. Query Result
stock_num manu_code description     unit_price

      205 ANZ       3 golf balls       $312.00
      205 HRO       3 golf balls       $312.00
        2 HRO       baseball           $126.00
        3 HSK       baseball bat       $240.00
        1 HRO       baseball gloves    $250.00
        1 HSK       baseball gloves    $800.00
        7 HRO       basketball         $600.00
313 ANZ swim cap $60.00 6 ANZ tennis ball $48.00 5 ANZ tennis racquet $19.80 8 ANZ volleyball $840.00 9 ANZ volleyball net $20.00 304 ANZ watch $170.00
WHERE Clause with Variable-Length Wildcard

The statements in Figure 68 use a wildcard at the end of a string to retrieve all the rows where the description begins with the characters bicycle.

Figure 68. Query
SELECT stock_num, manu_code, description, unit_price 
   FROM stock
   WHERE description LIKE 'bicycle%'
   ORDER BY description, manu_code

SELECT stock_num, manu_code, description, unit_price
   FROM stock
   WHERE description MATCHES 'bicycle*'
   ORDER BY description, manu_code 

Either statement returns the rows that Figure 69 shows.

Figure 69. Query Result
stock_num manu_code description     unit_price

      102 PRC       bicycle brakes     $480.00
      102 SHM       bicycle brakes     $220.00
      114 PRC       bicycle gloves     $120.00
      107 PRC       bicycle saddle      $70.00
      106 PRC       bicycle stem        $23.00
      101 PRC       bicycle tires       $88.00
      101 SHM       bicycle tires       $68.00
      105 PRC       bicycle wheels      $53.00
      105 SHM       bicycle wheels      $80.00

The comparison 'bicycle%' or 'bicycle*' specifies the characters bicycle followed by any sequence of zero or more characters. It matches bicycle stem with stem matched by the wildcard. It matches to the characters bicycle alone, if a row exists with that description.

Figure 70 narrows the search by adding another comparison condition that excludes a manu_code of PRC.

Figure 70. Query
SELECT stock_num, manu_code, description, unit_price 
   FROM stock
   WHERE description LIKE 'bicycle%'
      AND manu_code NOT LIKE 'PRC'
   ORDER BY description, manu_code

The statement retrieves only the rows that Figure 71 shows.

Figure 71. Query Result
stock_num manu_code description     unit_price

      102 SHM       bicycle brakes     $220.00
      101 SHM       bicycle tires       $68.00
      105 SHM       bicycle wheels      $80.00

When you select from a large table and use an initial wildcard in the comparison string (such as '%cycle'), the query often takes longer to execute. Because indexes cannot be used, every row is searched.

MATCHES and Non-Default Locales

By default, Informix database servers use the U.S. English language environment, called a locale, for database data. This default locale uses the ISO 8859-1 code set. The U.S. English locale specifies that MATCHES will use code-set order.

If your database uses a non-default locale, a MATCHES clause that specifies a range uses the collation order of that locale for character data types (including CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, and LVARCHAR). This feature of MATCHES ranges is an exception to the general rule that only NCHAR and NVARCHAR columns can use locale-specific collation. If the locale does not specify any special collation order, however, then MATCHES uses the code-set order.

Dynamic Server

You can use the SET COLLATION statement to specify a database locale for your session that is different from the DB_LOCALE setting. See the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax for a description of SET COLLATION.

End of Dynamic Server
Figure 72. Query
SELECT numéro,nom,prénom 
   FROM abonnés
   WHERE nom MATCHES '[E-P]*'
   ORDER BY nom

In Figure 73, the rows for Étaix, Ötker, and Øverst are not selected and listed because, with ISO 8859-1 code-set order, the accented first letter of each name is not in the E through P MATCHES range for the nom column.

Figure 73. Query Result
numéro        nom            prénom

13607      Hammer            Gerhard
13602      Hämmer            Greta
13604      LaForêt           Jean-Noël
13610      LeMaître          Héloïse
13613      Llanero           Gloria Dolores
13603      Montaña           José Antonio
13611      Oatfield          Emily

For more information on non-English data and locales, see the IBM Informix: GLS User's Guide.

Protecting Special Characters

Figure 74 uses the keyword ESCAPE with LIKE or MATCHES so you can protect a special character from misinterpretation as a wildcard symbol.

Figure 74. Query
SELECT * FROM cust_calls
   WHERE res_descr LIKE '%!%%' ESCAPE '!' 

The ESCAPE keyword designates an escape character (! in this example) that protects the next character so that it is interpreted as data and not as a wildcard. In the example, the escape character causes the middle percent sign (%) to be treated as data. By using the ESCAPE keyword, you can search for occurrences of a percent sign (%) in the res_descr column by using the LIKE wildcard percent sign (%). The query retrieves the row that Figure 75 shows.

Figure 75. Query Result
customer_num   116
call_dtime     1997-12-21 11:24
user_id        mannyn
call_code      I
call_descr     Second complaint from this customer! 
               Received two cases righthanded outfielder 
               glove (1 HRO) instead of one case lefties.
res_dtime      1997-12-27 08:19
res_descr      Memo to shipping (Ava Brown) to send case 
               of lefthanded gloves, pick up wrong case;
               memo to billing requesting 5% discount to 
               placate customer due to second offense 
               and lateness of resolution because of

Using Subscripting in a WHERE Clause

You can use subscripting in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement to specify a range of characters or numbers in a column, as Figure 76 shows.

Figure 76. Query
SELECT catalog_num, stock_num, manu_code, cat_advert,
   FROM catalog
   WHERE cat_advert[1,4] = 'High' 

The subscript [1,4] causes Figure 76 to retrieve all rows in which the first four letters of the cat_advert column are High, as Figure 77 shows.

Figure 77. Query Result
catalog_num  10004
stock_num    2
manu_code    HRO
cat_advert   Highest Quality Ball Available, from Hand-Sti
             tching to the Robinson Signature
Jackie Robinson signature ball. Highest professional quality, 
used by National League.

catalog_num  10005
stock_num    3
manu_code    HSK
cat_advert   High-Technology Design Expands the Sweet Spot
Pro-style wood. Available in sizes: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35.

catalog_num 10045 stock_num 204 manu_code KAR cat_advert High-Quality Beginning Set of Irons. Appropriate for High School Competitions cat_descr Ideally balanced for optimum control. Nylon covered shaft. catalog_num 10068 stock_num 310 manu_code ANZ cat_advert High-Quality Kickboard cat_descr White. Standard size.
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