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Other Functions

You can also use the LENGTH, USER, CURRENT, and TODAY functions anywhere in an SQL expression that you would use a constant. In addition, you can include the DBSERVERNAME function in a SELECT statement to display the name of the database server where the current database resides.

You can use these functions to select an expression that consists entirely of constant values or an expression that includes column data. In the first instance, the result is the same for all rows of output.

In addition, you can use the HEX function to return the hexadecimal encoding of an expression, the ROUND function to return the rounded value of an expression, and the TRUNC function to return the truncated value of an expression. For more information on the preceding functions, see the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax.

Using the LENGTH Function

In Figure 238, the LENGTH function calculates the number of bytes in the combined fname and lname columns for each row where the length of company is greater than 15.

Figure 238. Query
SELECT customer_num,
   LENGTH (fname) + LENGTH (lname) namelength
   FROM customer
   WHERE LENGTH (company) > 15

Figure 239. Query Result
customer_num    namelength 

         101            11
         105            13
         107            11
         112            14
         115            11
         118            10
         119            10
         120            10
         122            12
         124            11
         125            10
         126            12
         127            10
         128            11

Although the LENGTH function might not be useful when you work with DB–Access, it can be important to determine the string length for programs and reports. The LENGTH function returns the clipped length of a CHARACTER or VARCHAR string and the full number of bytes in a TEXT or BYTE string.

Using the USER Function

Use the USER function when you want to define a restricted view of a table that contains only rows that include your user id. For information about how to create views, see the IBM Informix: Database Design and Implementation Guide and the GRANT and CREATE VIEW statements in the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax.

Figure 240 returns the user name (login account name) of the user who executes the query. It is repeated once for each row in the table.

Figure 240. Query
SELECT * FROM cust_calls
   WHERE user_id = USER 

If the user name of the current user is richc, Figure 240 retrieves only those rows in the cust_calls table where user_id = richc, as Figure 241 shows.

Figure 241. Query Result
customer_num  110
call_dtime    1998-07-07 10:24
user_id       richc
call_code     L
call_descr    Order placed one month ago (6/7) not received.
res_dtime     1998-07-07 10:30
res_descr     Checked with shipping (Ed Smith). Order sent yesterday-we
              were waiting for goods from ANZ. Next time will call with
              delay if necessary

customer_num  119
call_dtime    1998-07-01 15:00
user_id       richc
call_code     B
call_descr    Bill does not reflect credit from previous order
res_dtime     1998-07-02 08:21
res_descr     Spoke with Jane Akant in Finance. She found the error and is
              sending new bill to customer

Using the TODAY Function

The TODAY function returns the current system date. If Figure 242 is issued when the current system date is July 10, 1998, it returns this one row.

Figure 242. Query
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date = TODAY 

Figure 243. Query Result
order_num      1018
order_date     07/10/1998
customer_num   121
ship_instruct  SW corner of Biltmore Mall
backlog        n
po_num         S22942
ship_date      07/13/1998
ship_weight    70.50
ship_charge    $20.00
paid_date      08/06/1998

Using the DBSERVERNAME and SITENAME Functions

You can include the function DBSERVERNAME (or its synonym, SITENAME) in a SELECT statement to find the name of the database server. You can query the DBSERVERNAME for any table that has rows, including system catalog tables.

In Figure 244, you assign the label server to the DBSERVERNAME expression and also select the tabid column from the systables system catalog table. This table describes database tables, and tabid is the table identifier.

Figure 244. Query
   FROM systables
   WHERE tabid <= 4

Figure 245. Query Result
 server           tabid

montague             1
montague             2
montague             3
montague             4

The WHERE clause restricts the numbers of rows displayed. Otherwise, the database server name would be displayed once for each row of the systables table.

Using the HEX Function

In Figure 246, the HEX function returns the hexadecimal format of two columns in the customer table, as Figure 247 shows.

Figure 246. Query
SELECT HEX (customer_num) hexnum, HEX (zipcode) hexzip 
   FROM customer

Figure 247. Query Result
hexnum     hexzip

0x00000065 0x00016F86
0x00000066 0x00016FA5
0x00000067 0x0001705F
0x00000068 0x00016F4A
0x00000069 0x00016F46
0x0000006A 0x00016F6F


Using the DBINFO Function

You can use the DBINFO function in a SELECT statement to find any of the following information:

You can use the DBINFO function anywhere within SQL statements and within SPL routines.

Figure 248 shows how you might use the DBINFO function to find out the name of the host computer on which the database server runs.

Figure 248. Query
SELECT FIRST 1 DBINFO('dbhostname') FROM systables

Figure 249. Query Result


Without the FIRST 1 clause to restrict the values in the tabid, the host name of the computer on which the database server runs would be repeated for each row of the systables table. Figure 250 shows how you might use the DBINFO function to find out the complete version number and the type of the current database server.

Figure 250. Query
SELECT FIRST 1 DBINFO('version','full') FROM systables

For more information about how to use the DBINFO function to find information about your current database server, database session, or database, see the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax.

Using the DECODE Function

You can use the DECODE function to convert an expression of one value to another value. The DECODE function has the following form:

DECODE(test, a, a_value, b, b_value, ..., n, n_value, exp_m )

DECODE returns a_value when a equals test, and returns b_value when b equals test, and, in general, returns n_value when n equals test.

If several expressions match test, DECODE returns n_value for the first expression found. If no expression matches test, DECODE returns exp_m; if no expression matches test and there is no exp_m, DECODE returns NULL.

The DECODE function does not support arguments of type TEXT or BYTE.

Suppose an employee table exists that includes emp_id and evaluation columns. Suppose also that execution of Figure 251 on the employee table returns the rows that Figure 252 shows.

Figure 251. Query
SELECT emp_id, evaluation FROM employee

Figure 252. Query Result
emp_id          evaluation

012233          great
012344          poor
012677          NULL
012288          good
012555          very good

In some cases, you might want to convert a set of values. For example, suppose you want to convert the descriptive values of the evaluation column in the preceding example to corresponding numeric values. Figure 253 shows how you might use the DECODE function to convert values from the evaluation column to numeric values for each row in the employee table.

Figure 253. Query
SELECT emp_id, DECODE(evaluation, "poor", 0, "fair", 25, "good",
50, "very good", 75, "great", 100, -1) AS evaluation 
   FROM employee

Figure 254. Query Result
emp_id         evaluation
012233          100
012344          0
012677          -1
012288          50
012555          75


You can specify any data type for the arguments of the DECODE function provided that the arguments meet the following requirements:

Using the NVL Function (IDS)

You can use the NVL function to convert an expression that evaluates to NULL to a value that you specify. The NVL function accepts two arguments: the first argument takes the name of the expression to be evaluated; the second argument specifies the value that the function returns when the first argument evaluates to NULL. If the first argument does not evaluate to NULL, the function returns the value of the first argument. Suppose a student table exists that includes name and address columns. Suppose also that execution of Figure 255 on the student table returns the rows that Figure 256 shows.

Figure 255. Query
SELECT name, address FROM student

Figure 256. Query Result
name               address

John Smith         333 Vista Drive
Lauren Collier     1129 Greenridge Street
Fred Frith         NULL
Susan Jordan       NULL

Figure 257 includes the NVL function, which returns a new value for each row in the table where the address column contains a NULL value.

Figure 257. Query
SELECT name, NVL(address, "address is unknown") AS address 
   FROM student

Figure 258. Query Result
name               address

John Smith         333 Vista Drive
Lauren Collier     1129 Greenridge Street
Fred Frith         address is unknown
Susan Jordan       address is unknown

You can specify any data type for the arguments of the NVL function provided that the two arguments evaluate to a common compatible data type.

If both arguments of the NVL function evaluate to NULL, the function returns NULL.

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