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Onstat -a -b/-B -C -c -d/-D -F -f -G -h -i -j -k/-K -L -l -m -o -P -p -R -r -s -t/-T -u -X -x -z

onstat -g ppd Partition Compression Dictionary Information

The onstat -g ppd command displays information about the active compression dictionaries.

Partition Compression Dictionary Info
partnum    Version  DbsNum  CrTS       CrLogID  CrLogPos  DrTS   DrLogID  DrLogPos
0x200002   1        2       1229018150   3        577560    0      0        0        
0x200003   1        2       1229018150   3        606232    0      0        0        
0x300002   1        3       1229018150   3        630808    0      0        0        
0x400002   1        4       1229018150   3        655384    0      0        0        
0x500002   1        5       1229018150   3        679960    0      0        0

Output Description

Option Description
partnum Partition number to which the compression dictionary applies
Version Version of the code that is creating the compression dictionary
DbsNum Number of the dbspace that the dictionary resides in
CrTS Timestamp that shows when the dictionary was created
CrLogID Unique ID for the logical log that was created when the dictionary was created
CrLogPos Position within the logical log when the dictionary was created
DrTS Timestamp that shows when the dictionary was purged
DrLogID Unique ID for the logical log that was created when the dictionary was purged
DrLogPos Position within the logical log when the dictionary was purged


  • The onstat -g ppd only show active dictionaries, to see all dictionaries use the syscompdicts_full table and the syscompdicts view

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