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Resource Requirements Formulae

Rowdata space:
	((est rowsize + 4) * estimated rows + pagesz - 1) / (pagesz - 24)

Btree Index Calculation:
	#Btree pages =
((((Total key length + 5) * 1.5) * estimated # rows) / FILLFACTOR + pagesize - 1) / (pagesz - 24)

Rtree Index Calculation:
keys per leaf = INT( (pagesize - 88) / (key size + 16)) * 0.6

	#Rtree pages = 
(number of leaf pages = estimated rows / keys per leaf) * 1.1

Estimating space for tablespace SLOBS:
	#pages = (rowspace + (((average blob size) / (pagesize - 24))  * #rows))

Estimated space for Blobspace SLOBS:
	(average blob size + (blobpage - 25) )/ (blobpage - 24)

Detached Index Extent Size
	Index extent size = (index_key_size / table_row_size) * table_extent_size

To discuss how Oninit ® can assist please call on +1-913-674-0360 or alternatively just send an email specifying your requirements.