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-1102 Field name not found in form.

A field name listed in an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, CONSTRUCT, SCROLL or DISPLAY statement does not appear in the form specification of the screen form that is currently displayed. Review the program logic to ensure that the intended window is current, the intended form is displayed in it, and all the field names in the statement are spelled correctly.

A common problem is the attempted use of field tags instead of field names. The field tag is the name that is written in the screen picture and that appears at the left side of the ATTRIBUTES statement for that field. It is not the name of the field for input or display purposes. The field name is the column name with which it is associated. This name appears to the right of the equal sign in the ATTRIBUTES section.


f000 = customer.customer_num,color=red;

The name of the field in the preceding example is customer_num. Use of the tag f000 in an INPUT statement will produce an error.