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-14565 CSS: error reading data.

The database server or client's attempt to receive data to establish Communication Support Services (CSS) context failed.

Probable causes of the error and corrective actions follow:

* This error usually occurs when the CSM option is turned on and the database server or the network is very busy, or when too many clients are trying to connect to the database server at once. The database server might be taking so long to respond to a client that the client's connection request times out before the connection is complete. Or possibly a client terminates its connection attempt before the connection is completely established.

Use the environment variable INFORMIXCONTIME or INFORMIXCONRETRY, or both, on the client side to increase the connection time and the number of retry attempts.

* Either the database server or the client application exits abnormally due to an error condition. The other side which is waiting for data from the failed side would report this error. Check the error on the failed side for the root cause of the problem.

If the problem persists, contact IBM Informix Technical Support or the CSM vendor and have the following information available: CSS configuration files (concsm.cfg) and sqlhosts information for both the client and the database server.