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-201 A syntax error has occurred.

This general error message indicates mistakes in the form of an SQL statement. Look for missing or extra punctuation (such as missing or extra commas, omission of parentheses around a subquery, and so on), keywords misspelled (such as VALEUS for VALUES), keywords misused (such as SET in an INSERT statement or INTO in a subquery), keywords out of sequence (such as a condition of "value IS NOT" instead of "NOT value IS"), or a reserved word used as an identifier.

Database servers that provide full NIST compliance do not reserve any words; queries that work with these database servers might fail and return error -201 when they are used with earlier versions of IBM Informix database servers.

The cause of this error might be an attempt to use round-robin syntax with CREATE INDEX or ALTER FRAGMENT INIT on an index. You cannot use round-robin indexes.

The error may also occur if an SQL statement uses double quotation marks around input strings and the environment variable DELIMIDENT is set. If DELIMIDENT is set, strings that are surrounded by double quotation marks are regarded as SQL identifiers rather than string literals. For more information on the usage of DELIMIDENT, see the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.