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-206 The specified table is not in the database.

The database server cannot find a table or view specified in the statement. The table or view might have been renamed or dropped from the database.

You might also get this message if you omit the keyword "TYPE" when you are trying to grant USAGE privileges on a user-defined type. For example, the following GRANT statement is correct:

GRANT USAGE ON TYPE person_row_type TO usr2;

The following GRANT statement, however, generates error -206:

GRANT USAGE ON person_row_type TO usr2;

Check the names of tables and views in the statement or check for omission of the keyword "TYPE" in a GRANT statement. If the names are spelled as you intended and "TYPE" is not missing, check that you are using the database you want. To find the names of all tables in the database, query the systables table. To find the names of all views, query the sysviews table.