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-25556 Invalid sqlhosts file format.

Check that each field in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts file is correct and contains supported values or that the sqlhosts information in the Windows registry is correct. If you are using IBM Informix Dynamic Server, IBM Informix Universal Server, or IBM Informix OnLine Dynamic Server, check the DBSERVERNAME, DBSERVERALIASES, and NETTYPE parameters in the $ONCONFIG configuration file or the informixserver entries in the registry. If you are using IBM Informix SE, check the dbservername, nettype, hostname, and servicename fields in the sqlhosts file to make sure that you have entered the correct values. For additional information, refer to your Administrator's Guide.

For ESQL/C: If you receive this message from an ESQL/C application in a Windows environment, check the information in the network parameters that the client computer defines. For information on setting the parameters, refer to the IBM Informix ESQL/C Programmer's Supplement for Microsoft Windows Environments.

For ESQL/COBOL: If you receive this message from an ESQL/COBOL application in a Windows environment, check the information in the network parameters that the client computer defines. For information on setting the parameters, refer to the IBM Informix ESQL/COBOL Programmer's Supplement for Microsoft Windows Environments.