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-33066 Cursor/statement ids and are not unique in first

128 characters when prefixed by module name.

When you use the -local preprocessing option, cursor and statement names are prefixed with a unique tag that is generated from the module name. (On UNIX, the inode number of the source program is used as the unique tag.) In this case, and are at least 124 characters long, and their first 123 characters do not differ. As a result, they are the same when the tag is added and the result is trimmed to 128 characters.

Change the two names to avoid name collision and try again.

This message applies to IBM Informix Dynamic Server 9.2 or later.

-33066 Cursor/statement ids and are not unique in first 18 characters when prefixed by module name.

When you use the -local preprocessing option, cursor and statement names are prefixed with a unique tag that is generated from the module name. (On UNIX, the inode number of the source program is used as the unique tag.) In this case, and are at least 14 characters long, and their first 13 characters do not differ. As a result, they are the same when the tag is added and the result is trimmed to 18 characters.

Change the two names to avoid name collision and try again.

This message applies to IBM Informix Extended Parallel Server, IBM Informix Dynamic Server with Advanced Decision Support and Extended Parallel Options, IBM Informix OnLine XPS, IBM Informix Dynamic Server, IBM Informix Universal Server, IBM Informix OnLine Dynamic Server, and IBM Informix SE.