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-4479 Warning: non-ANSI comment indicator. Use "--" for ANSI compatibility.

If you want your SQL statements to comply with ANSI standards, you must use the two-dash comment delimiter (- -). The comment delimiters of the number sign (#) and the braces ({ }) are not portable to ANSI-compliant systems. This message is seen because you specified that you wanted warnings issued for constructs that are not ANSI compliant, by means of the -ansi command-line parameter, the DBANSIWARN environment variable, or the DBANSIWARN setting in the informix.ini file. Only NewEra returns this error.

-4479 Warning: non-ANSI comment indicator. Use "--" for ANSI compatibility.

If you want your SQL statements to comply with ANSI standards, you must use the two-dash comment delimiter (- -). The comment delimiters of the number sign (#) and the braces ({ }) are not portable to ANSI-compliant systems. This message is seen because you specified that you wanted warnings issued for constructs that are not ANSI compliant, by means of the -ansi command-line parameter, or the DBANSIWARN environment variable. Only 4GL returns this error.