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Onstat -a -b/-B -C -c -d/-D -F -f -G -h -i -j -k/-K -L -l -m -o -P -p -R -r -s -t/-T -u -X -x -z

onstat -g ath All Threads

The onstat -g ath command displays a list of all threads in the system. The output is sorted by thread ID.

 tid     tcb      rstcb    prty status                vp-class      name        
 2       141c9270 0        2    sleeping forever        4lio        lio vp 0    
 3       141e3138 0        2    sleeping forever        5pio        pio vp 0    
 4       141f8138 0        2    sleeping forever        6aio        aio vp 0    
 5       1420d138 0        2    sleeping forever        7msc        msc vp 0    
 6       1423a228 140d3018 4    sleeping secs: 1        1cpu        main_loop() 
 7       1424abe8 0        2    running                 1cpu        sm_poll     
 8       14256e00 0        2    running                 8tli        tlitcppoll  
 9       14266800 0        2    running                 9tli        tlitcppoll  
 10      14276800 0        3    sleeping forever        1cpu        sm_listen   
 11      1424ad58 0        2    sleeping secs: 2        1cpu        sm_discon   
 12      142a1930 0        3    sleeping forever        1cpu        tlitcplst   
 13      142adba8 0        3    sleeping forever        1cpu        tlitcplst   
 14      142c2c20 140d35d8 2    sleeping forever        1cpu        flush_sub(0)
 15      142d92b8 140d3b98 2    sleeping forever        1cpu        flush_sub(1)

141     148b99a8 0        4    sleeping forever        1cpu        kaio        
142     142fabb8 14a58018 3    sleeping forever        1cpu        aslogflush  
143     14aa0380 14a585d8 2    sleeping secs: 44       1cpu        btclean     
151     14c91d28 14a59158 4    sleeping secs: 1        1cpu        onmode_mon  
213     14c91ec0 14a58b98 2    cond wait  sm_read      1cpu        sqlexec     
349     14abae60 14a59718 2    cond wait  netnorm      1cpu        sqlexec     
357     1476f478 14a59cd8 2    cond wait  netnorm      1cpu        sqlexec     
358     1477b4c0 14a5a298 2    cond wait  netnorm      1cpu        sqlexec     
359     1477ba98 14a5a858 2    cond wait  netnorm      1cpu        sqlexec     

Output Description

Heading Description Format See Also
tid The thread id incrementally assigned by OnLine. Dec onstat -g tpf
tcb The in-memory address of the thread control block. Hex  
rstcb The in-memory address of the RSAM thread control block. Hex  
prty The internal priority of the thread. Dec  
status The current status of the thread. Important thread states

  ready                  ready to run waiting on a VP to pick and run thread
  running                the one thread, on a given VP, that’s currently executing
  sleeping               yielded its VP, so others can run
  secs: #seconds         wants to retry/recheck/rerun after #seconds
  secs: 0                wants to continue running, but giving others a chance too
  forever                sleep until woken / needed again
  yield buffwait         wants to access a bufferpool page owned by different thread
  yield lockwait         wants to lock a data resource currently locked by different session
  IO Wait                waiting on IO (usually disk) to complete
  fork                   waiting on a child process to return
  cond wait cond_name    woken when spec. condition met
  mutex wait mutex_name  trying to acquire mutex woken when released by curr . holder
  join wait joinee_id    waiting on completion of task carried out by joinee specialized thread

Str onstat -g con
vp-class The VP class and number on which the thread is running. The VP classes include the following:

  AIO Asynchronous I/O
  LIO Logical Log I/O
  PIO Physical Log I/O
  MSC Miscellaneous
  ADM Administrative
  ADT Auditing
  OPT Optical
  SOC Socket
  SHM Shared Memory
  USR User Define Routine VP

Str onstat -g glo
name The name of the thread. Str  


    A thread priority can range from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest) with a default of 2.

    If more than one instance of a VP exists within a class, its name will be prefaced with its instance number.

    There is a flag which indicates that the thead is in a CPUVP private ready queue. The '*' simply means that the flag is not set - indicating either a hard bind to a CPUVP or that the thread is bound to the CPUVP class. There are several things which might cause the thread to bind to the CPUVP class; when the thread is bound to a class, then it is placed into the global ready queue rather than a CPUVP private queue. Some of the things which cause a thread to be bound to the CPUVP class would be exiting functionality such as encryption, optical blobs, PAM, etc... When a thread is in the global ready queue, it will be picked up by one of the CPUVPS and the '*' will be removed.

    The typical case is that the thread is hard bound to the VP, but it also means that the thread is returning from a hard bind and is now in the global ready queue

Monitoring and Tuning

    The onstat -g ath command provides a quick check for what threads are currently active in the system. A glance through the output will quickly reveal whether KAIO threads are running, if there are any sessions running via sqlexec threads, or if there are a large number of scan and exchange threads running to handle parallel operations.


    swth:sbt_subclass_lpgsrc_ol_209 is a CDC (Change Data Capture) log snooper working thread's name. The current name format is swth:sbt_subclass_lpgsrc_ol_SID

    memory thread: This thread was added in version 11.70.FC7W1 and above, with it being created at engine startup, and only used if VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB is enabled. If a threshold for the amount of memory in the vp is exceeded, this thread is called to drain memory out of the VP memory cache. Consider tuning the VP_MEMORY_CACHE if the thread is continuously in the ready queue.

    If VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB is not enabled, the thread will remain, but will not run.

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