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Onstat -a -b/-B -C -c -d/-D -F -f -G -h -i -j -k/-K -L -l -m -o -P -p -R -r -s -t/-T -u -X -x -z

onstat -g pos Print infos.DBSERVERNAME File

The onstat -g pos command outputs the current values for the infos.DBSERVERNAME file located in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory.

  1   7   0 infos ver/size 2 264                                        
  2   1   0 snum     1 52574801 0a000000 oninit_shm                     
  3   4   0 onconfig path MYPATH/etc/onconfig.oninit            
  4   5   0 host www.oninit.com                                     
  5   6   0 oninit ver Informix Dynamic Server 2000 Version 9.xx.xxx    
  6   8   0 del                                                         

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