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Onstat -a -b/-B -C -c -d/-D -F -f -G -h -i -j -k/-K -L -l -m -o -P -p -R -r -s -t/-T -u -X -x -z

onstat -g rea Ready Threads

The onstat -g rea command displays the threads that are on the ready queue and are awaiting a VP on which to run.

Ready threads:
tid     tcb     rstcb   prty    status   vp-class   name
6       536a38  406464  4       ready       3cpu    main_loop()
28      60cfe8  40a124  4       ready       1cpu    onmode_mon
33      672a20  409dc4  2       ready       3cpu    sqlexec

Output Description

Heading Description Format See Also
tid The thread id incrementally assigned by OnLine. Dec onstat -g ath
tcb The in-memory address of the thread control block. Hex onstat -g tpf
rstcb The in-memory address of the RSAM thread control block. Hex  
prty The internal priority of the thread. Dec  
status The status of the thread. Str  
vp-class The class of VP on which the thread is running.

* indicates the thread is bound to that VP
Str onstat -g glo
name The name of the thread. Str  


    A thread priority can range from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest) with a default priority of 2.

    Threads are pulled off the ready queue based on their priority. Within a priority, threads are taken on a first-in-first-out basis (FIFO).

    Ready threads are displayed from highest priority to lowest priority within each class of virtual processor (VP).

Monitoring and Tuning

    A consistent number of entries on the ready queue may be an indication that additional CPU VPs are required. The number of CPU VPs should never exceed the number of physical CPUs. If there is already a CPU VP for every CPU and there are threads backing up on the ready queue, there may not be enough physical processors or fast enough processors on the box based on the workload required.

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